wn adicto al cafe, pal pico que algunos sonidos sean full real
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wn adicto al cafe, pal pico que algunos sonidos sean full real
Jajajj seeee, aprovechando de homenajear.
what ... the ... HELL!
I mean, great animation, but what's going on with the history? xD!
That was soooo weird. :)
That was really good men. I loved the artsyle and how it was animated, but it was just too short. The easter egg was really nice too. Nice animation and everything. I would love to see a long animatiom from you :)
Yea, I have 2 things right now that I'm trying to work on. One is really short, probably shorter than this one, but I think the story is really nice. The other is a longer animation (not that long, probably around 2:30min) which I'm really excited about because, it's a comedy and I haven't really submitted that kind of thing to NG yet. I'm not really good at working on long animations (5+ mins.) because I lose focus.
But stay tuned, I'll work on something over winter break, so maybe if I work hard I'll have something by the new year.
May be better :)
Not bad drawing. But the animation is just too bad, it has a really low frame rate and it looks like cutted. You could make it fast by raising the frame rate. ;D
Other than that, it should be longer. Mmmm ... add colors, or sound. Whatever you like. colors ain't necesary when having good draws and animation ;D.
Yeah, the framerate was suposed to be 30, but something went wrong when i exported it. I didn't find out before it was to late.
Yeah, "kinda" nice
Mmhh, it wasn't that good. It was like, humm, nice, but there was something wrong on the chop animation.
And i dont get why there sparks so much explosions from the gun to fire just a little missile ... and how does he reflect it? Mmh!!
But, really nice. :D
thanks dude, well...
"And i dont get why there sparks so much explosions from the gun to fire just a little missile"
so...that's the effect of the cannon, sparks and explosions appears from the mouth when you shoot something, not in the game,but for me it looks good,exaggerate a bit.
Just trying to motivate myself to finish something for once
Age 33
Gam Dev?
Joined on 9/11/06